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2023 Digital Marketing Trends

2023 Digital Marketing Trends

As we all start to get into the swing of the new year, many business owners are starting to wonder about their marketing goals and tactics for 2023. This is also the case for digital marketing agencies, as a new year tends to bring new changes and trends to the world of marketing. As leaders in internet marketing, the team at FirstPage Marketing knows how important it is to stay on top of these trends and new developments. That is why we have compiled a list of 2023 digital marketing trends to watch for in the coming year to demonstrate how they will impact elements such as website content, blogs, social media, and other online elements.

Learn about 5 common digital marketing myths.

4 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2023

The following digital marketing trends will be some of the most impactful for website design, content writing, digital ads, and other areas of marketing in 2023:

1. A Greater Focus on Customer Experience

Also referred to as user experience, customer experience is the most important element of any website regardless of its size or design. A user should be able to easily find what they are looking for on your website and everything (links, buttons, videos, etc.) should work properly. Both of these elements will help to ensure that they have a good experience at every stage of their website visit. If your website is confusing or certain links aren’t working, users will likely have a poor experience and click away from your site in favour of a competitor.

When creating your website, writing content, or creating a social media post, your focus should always be on customer experience above everything else. Create content that is helpful to consumers while ensuring that your website is easy to use. These tasks aren’t easy, but completing them will help you future-proof your website and marketing for future algorithm updates and other changes in the world of digital marketing. Should these tasks be too time-consuming, enlist the services and expertise of a reputable digital marketing agency to ensure that customers always have the best possible experience with your content, social media posts, and website.

2. The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) has powered various marketing tools for many years. For example, AI is responsible for the algorithms that determine the social media posts you will engage with, the search results you will see, and even the ads that are displayed on websites and your social feeds. AI is making marketing smarter by connecting consumers to the precise messages, products, and services they are looking for.

While AI has been around for many years, there have been several recent developments that have caught the attention of mainstream media and everyday consumers. Of these developments, content writing AI and art generation AI have become major topics of conversation amongst digital marketers and consumers alike. While the natural reaction may be to shy away from these tools out of fear of the unknown, savvy digital marketing agencies are searching for effective ways to use these tools to enhance their offerings and provide their clients with additional value. Seeing how digital marketing agencies and leading SEOs adopt these AI programs will be interesting to watch as the year progresses, as their attitudes toward them can drastically impact their development and capabilities.

3. Simple and Clear Content

As average consumer attention spans continue to drop, businesses are tasked with the extremely difficult challenge of being able to effectively communicate with customers in short, quick sessions. To achieve this, you will need to spend some time crafting shorter and simpler messages for your website, social media, blogs, and other content.

While it’s still crucial to ensure that you have enough content for search engines to understand what your pages are about, it is best to avoid excessive wordiness and walls of text as these can be intimidating or deterring to customers. The goal is to accurately convey your message and relevant facts with as few words as possible while ensuring that everything is properly explained. Again, this is difficult to do, but it is well worth the effort when you consider how it will enhance customer experience and optimize lead generation.

4. Short Videos

While videos have always been a popular way to market services, announce new products, or promote a business, the duration of these videos has been steadily dropping every year. This is especially prevalent with TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, as each of these services provide short videos that are easy to digest and get to their point within 15 seconds to 1 minute.

Though you do not need to use any of these sites for your own marketing efforts, you can certainly learn about what makes these videos so engaging and effective. If you choose to make your own videos, social media posts, blogs, or other content, they must instantly grab the attention of the viewer, give them what they are looking for quickly, and be easy to digest. If you are making videos, it is also important to ensure that all speech has subtitles within the video as many viewers watch without audio and will not be able to understand what your video is about without them.

If you would like to speak with a marketing agency that has helped hundreds of businesses in a massive variety of industries, call the experts at FirstPage Marketing or get in touch through our online contact form. Our team is ready to help you reach your marketing goals in 2023 and beyond!

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