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Building Trust and Authority with Website Content

Blogging, Content Writing29 March 2022
Trust and Authoirty With Website Content

When it comes to websites, trust and authority are two elements that are commonly overlooked. Trust and authority are qualitative measures that increase the overall visibility and ranking of your website, making them crucial for your continued growth and success. While there are many methods to increase these qualities, well-written and optimized content is a proven method for getting results.

When creating content for your site, it can be difficult to determine what type(s) of content will benefit your site’s authority. As experts in search engine optimization and content writing, the team at FirstPage Marketing knows how important it is to create a content strategy that focuses on establishing your brand as a credible and reliable source of information. That is why we have compiled a list of methods to build trust and authority with your website content, allowing you to increase your rankings while enhancing your brand’s reputation.

Learn why fresh content is important for your website.

3 Ways to Build Trust and Authority with Your Website Content

To build trust in your brand and increase authority with your website content, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Answer Your Audience’s Questions

In a world of questions and problems, people need reliable solutions. If you’re not answering relevant questions with your content, you’re going to have a difficult time establishing trust and building authority. People trust brands when they give them the answers they’re seeking instead of making a forced sales pitch for an unrelated product or service.
You can develop authority and increase brand recognition by creating onsite content that provides this type of value. In other words, you can position yourself as a specialist for those who aren’t familiar with you, the industry you work in, or the products/services you provide. Whether you write blog posts focused on singular questions or long-form content that seeks to answer multiple questions in one go, both methods can enhance your authority and build trust in your brand.

Search engines like Google are a critical reason as to why this content strategy succeeds. For each search, Google curates a selection of entries that it believes are the most relevant. If you’re ranking at the top for a certain term or subject users will likely assume that you’ve achieved this ranking because you know what you’re talking about and can answer the questions they have.

Learn all about how Google’s SERP works.

2. Keep it Simple and Easy to Digest

The most successful content writers focus on clarity and concise language above all else. While some people may think that using complicated language gives them credibility or enhanced authority, this can make it more difficult for readers—and Google—to determine what your page is even about. If no one can understand what you’re trying to convey with your content, it’s going to be difficult to answer pressing questions and build trust.

It’s always best to think about the content you produce from your reader’s point of view. Most readers likely don’t want to wade through walls of text just to find the one sentence that answers their question. That’s why it’s a good idea to put a simple answer early in your content and expand on the answer as you go on. This allows readers looking for a quick answer to get what they need while allowing for others to gain a deeper understanding of the subject if they wish to do so.

How often should you post blog articles on your website?

3. Write Long-Form Content

It’s important to remember that “simple” does not mean “short” when it comes to content. Whether you are writing a long blog post, a how-to guide, or a case study, you should give your readers the ability to dig deeper into the subject with more technical information while delivering it in terms that are easy to understand. These longer forms of content all lend themselves to more thorough reading and time spent on your site than a short article or social media update.

Displaying this knowledge is also a great way to further increase your authority and build trust by showing readers that you possess specialized knowledge in the subject. In addition to building authority and generating leads, these types of content are easily shareable on social media, allowing you to further expand your audience.

Teaching someone how to do something is a fantastic method to establish authority. If your advice works for readers you’ll receive repeat visitors, additional sharing of your content, and increased trust in your brand. In addition to displaying your expertise, long-form content is a great way to optimize for long-tail keywords that focus on specific inquiries. This allows you to further increase your search engine rankings while keeping your readers engaged and satisfied.

Learn how to write content for your website.

To build an effective content marketing strategy for your trust and authority goals, get in touch with the experts at FirstPage Marketing. We can be reached through our online contact form or by phone at 604-866-2230 and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about content or other areas of your online marketing strategy.

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