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Internet marketing is a hodgepodge of different marketing techniques that are uniquely designed to help your business thrive in an online market. Much like a flavourful soup, different elements are combined to create the ideal combination. The elements used to create the ideal digital marketing hodgepodge for your business will depend on your specific goals and industry needs. But don’t worry. When it comes to internet marketing, we’re experts in the kitchen.

Here, you will find a wide range of different blog articles, covering everything from search engines and market research to blogging, landing pages, and email marketing strategies. Or, in other words, pretty much everything a digital marketing nerd (like us) would dream about. Can’t find the article of your dreams? Maybe we haven’t covered it yet. Reach out to our professional team today to learn more about your favourite topics.

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2023 Digital Marketing Trends

2023 Digital Marketing Trends

As we all start to get into the swing of the new year, many business owners are starting to wonder about their marketing goals and tactics for 2023. This is...

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The Benefits of Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing15 December 2022
the benefits of digital marketing

As a digital marketing agency, it might sound biased for us here at FirstPage Marketing to say that there are heaps of benefits that can come from getting into digital...

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5 Common Digital Marketing Myths

5 Digital Marketing Myths

It’s no secret that we live in an era that is dominated by the internet. From social media and emails to online shopping and blog articles, there are many ways...

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What are the Best Techniques for Off-Page SEO?

off-page seo techniques

Sometimes, it seems as though SEO has more layers than a skyscraper lasagna. Every time you break through one level of website search optimization, you find another practice that can...

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Is SEO the Only Way to Attract Traffic?

Is seo the only way to get website traffic?

SEO is often thought of as the lifeblood of the internet. Without it, it’s difficult to get a website to show up in relevant searches. SEO is extremely important for...

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What is Website Traffic?

Digital Marketing28 October 2022
What is Website Traffic

In the world of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), there are many metrics and factors that can be used to gauge the effectiveness of your internet marketing efforts....

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How to Choose a Good Marketing Agency for a Small Business

how to choose a good marketing agency for small businesses

As a small business, there are tons of things that you need to worry about, so delegation is always a good practice whenever possible. One aspect of a business that...

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The Most Important Metrics in Google Analytics

the most important metrics in google analytics

Whether you are a seasoned marketing veteran or are completely new to the world of digital marketing analysis, it can often be difficult to know where to begin with Google...

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5 Things a Digital Marketing Agency Can do for You

5 Things a Digital Marketing Agency Can Do for You

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s often difficult to determine if you should invest in your own digital marketing team or enlist the services of an agency. While there...

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Do Small Businesses Need Digital Marketing?

small businesses need digital marketing

Is digital marketing necessary for your small businesses? The answer to this question depends on how you answer the following question: Do you want your business’ website to be found...

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