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Dos and Don’ts for Email Campaigns

Email Marketing25 January 2022
Email Marketing Dos and Don'ts

Despite being one of the oldest and most tried methods of internet marketing, email marketing is still relevant and serves a great purpose in the modern digital world. Whether you need to push people through your sales funnel or advertise for a new offering, the right email marketing strategy can help you accomplish your goals. With that being said, there are many commonly employed email marketing practices that should be abandoned, and many excellent practices that are largely unused. If you’re looking to go above and beyond with your email marketing and need help getting started, be sure to reach out to the team at FirstPage Marketing and we can get you on the right track.

The advantages and disadvantages of email marketing.

Email Marketing Best Practices

Knowing what to do and what to avoid when getting into email marketing can not only help you maximize your return on investment but can also help you avoid getting your email domain marked as spam or getting blocked by filters. Some dos and don’ts for email campaigns include:

Do: Set Goals for the Campaign

Any marketing endeavour should have a clear purpose and goals to match that purpose. Email campaigns are the same: they should not exist just for the sake of existing. Whether your goal is to increase sales, improve user relations through engagement, or inform on products, the campaign content should help you achieve your goal. Goals can also change over the email campaign’s life cycle, so be ready to adapt and monitor the content accordingly.

Should you add email marketing to your digital marketing strategy?

Don’t: Subscribe People Without Their Consent

Nobody likes receiving marketing emails out of the blue for a product or service, even if they expressed interest in it in the past. Make sure that recipients of the email campaign know how they got onto the list and that people are not entered into the list without their approval. This can be as simple as having a checkbox on a contact form or a line of language in a contract.

Do: Offer a Clear Option to Unsubscribe

Getting marketing information with no clear way to make it stop can be frustrating and create a bad taste in a recipient’s mouth for the brand. It is important to never come across as spam, so make sure that any email campaign your brand creates has a clear and easy-to-find unsubscribe link.

Don’t: Use Bland Filler Content

Every piece of content in an email campaign should be effective to show value to a recipient. Somebody receiving the email should be able to easily see why it is important to them without having to think too hard. Even a newsletter should offer value to the recipient to keep them engaged.

How to make your email marketing campaigns more effective.

Do: Customize Content for Your Audience

Most modern email marketing platforms offer options to divide up email lists into individual audiences, so tailoring content for the individuals reading it is extremely doable. If you offer both commercial and residential services, dividing up your contact list into two audiences and tailoring content for each will ensure that recipients are more receptive to the content in your email campaigns.

Don’t: Wear Down Your Audience

Leave ‘em wanting more. People can get desensitized by email marketing. The more that people receive email campaigns from a brand, the more likely they are to ignore messages in their inbox. It is usually best to send content out once per month at the most. It can also help to vary the kind of content. Sending the same product promotions or marketing messaging over and over again bore an audience over time.

What common email marketing myths should you be aware of?

Email marketing can be intimidating and time-consuming work. If you need help getting started and keeping content going out on a regular schedule, the team at FirstPage Marketing is always ready to help.

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