Increase your return on investment with tailormade marketing strategies.
Top Five Book Recommendations for Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing intelligence comes from a variety of places: through mentorship, through education and we’ve found, through excellent reading materials. It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, “If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.”
In the digital era, picking up a book is often overlooked because subjects are being covered in blog posts and eBooks. However, nothing compares to physical paper books for self-education.
What should you look for in a digital marketing company?
We have decided to compile a list of our top five digital marketing books to add to your 2018 reading list. Even just reading one of the marketing books listed below is likely to change and improve the way you market your business. Whichever book(s) you decided to read, none of them will be a waste of your time and we are positive you’ll find a lot of useful tips and best practices to take your blog, your business, or other ventures to the next level of Internet marketing.
In no particular order:
Essential AdWords
The Quick and Dirty Guide (Including Tricks Google Won’t Tell You) – Kyle Sulerud
If you’re looking for a book that spills all of the tips, tricks, and secrets for successful and effective Google AdWords campaigns, this is the book for you! Writing perfect ads for your targeted audience can be tough, but this book helps to keep you focused on configuring Network Settings to spend money on the most important aspects while using better keywords, how to write the best ad, and more!
It’s not often you get to read a book that is useful to both beginners and experienced users. In Essential AdWords, Kyle gives insight to readers on how to achieve success quickly and easily and save money while doing it.
Epic Content Marketing:
How to Tell a Different Story, Break Through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less – Joe Pulizzi
From SEO to Email Marketing, Joe sets out to teach his readers how to get away with less. Content marketing is an extremely competitive space and it’s not as easy as it once was to stand out from the crowd.
With so much conflicting information on the internet about content marketing, it can be frustrating to put together a strategy that you feel confident in. Fortunately, there is a formula that works, and it’s explained in Epic Content Marketing.
Find out why it’s important to write quality website content.
Email Persuasion:
Captivate and Engage Your Audience, Build Authority and Generate More Sales with Email Marketing – Ian Brodie
This book has captured audiences everywhere and stands at the top position amongst the best email marketing books. This step-by-step guide is one of the best tutorials out there for email marketers of all abilities. In Email Persuasion, Ian gives you insights on opt-in formulas, a list of top subject lines, how to convert your subscribers into clients, how to increase customer engagement, and more!
Email Persuasion lays out a clear blueprint for building an engaged subscriber base, teaches readers how to build credibility and trust through your emails, and how to convert their subscribers into paying clients. All of this and more is worth spending time and money to read this book!
Learn how to increase the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns.
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook:
How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World – Gary Vaynerchuk
If you’re looking for social media motivation or inspiration, this book is for you! Gary Vaynerchuk knows the digital world. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook gives you the tools to learn how to connect with customers and beat your competition – it’s basically a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really work.
Gary shows that while communication is still key, context matters more than ever. It’s not just about developing high-quality content, but also developing high-quality content that is tailor-made for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.
Follow these simple guidelines for posting on social media.
Above the Fold:
Understanding the Principles of Successful Website Design – Brian D Miller
If you’re looking for a different type of web design book, this one is for you! Above the Fold is about the timeless fundamentals of effective communication within the context of web design. But what does that mean? It is intended to help you, the reader, understand the considerations that web designers make when they first start to develop successful websites.
This book is divided into three sections: Design & Typography, Planning & Usability, Business Value. Each section represents a phase in the cycle of website design. Learn that the perfect balance between design, usability, and ROI is what makes a website truly great.
Learn more about rising above the fold.
While searching for digital marketing books to read can be a daunting process, the digital world doesn’t have to be faced alone. At FirstPage Marketing, we offer a wide range of digital marketing services that are designed to help our clients create successful marketing campaigns across multiple platforms. If you would like to learn more about Digital Marketing, or if you are interested in one of our services (Internet Marketing, Print Marketing, search engine optimization, and Website Design and Development), please contact us today.