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What are the 4 Most Important Pages on a Website?

Important Website Pages

When considering the design of your website, it can be difficult to determine which pages to prioritize over others. While every page on your site may be equally important or meaningful to you, it is important to consider how important they are for search engines and viewers. As experts in SEO and web design, the team at FirstPage Marketing knows that some pages play a far more important role than others. That’s why we have compiled some information to help you understand what the 4 most important pages on a website are and why they should be a higher priority for your optimization efforts.

Learn about 4 ways that website design affects SEO.

4 Highly Important Pages for Every Website

The following pages are extremely important for every website regardless of the design you choose, the number of pages you have, and the audience you are trying to target:

1. Homepage

When it comes to presenting your business to potential clients, first impressions make a world of difference. If your homepage looks barren, unfinished, or poorly designed, it immediately creates a negative impression for the rest of your business. On the other hand, if your homepage is appealing, functional, and features well-written content, it will encourage visitors to stick around and check out your company.

While it may be tempting to put every remotely relevant fact about your business on the homepage, this is rarely an effective tactic. Your homepage is the foundational first step of a visitor’s journey, not the destination. The copy, design, and visuals should guide the visitor to their next step such as a product page or direct them to your contact form via a strong call to action.

A great homepage will quickly let visitors know who you are, what you do, and how you can help them without any additional effort on their part. Successfully establishing your brand can all come down to the design of your homepage, so that’s why it’s crucial to spend as much time as needed on it.

In addition to design and functionality, your homepage should be able to resonate with your target audience. For example, if you are an electrician, you need to quickly let home and business owners know that you can handle their project or solve their emergency. This can be achieved by mentioning your residential and commercial services near some client testimonials for relevant jobs.

Why should you put the content on your website first?

2. Blog Page

Considering that you are reading a blog right now, that only goes to show how important a blog page is for any website. Blog pages are a vital element of any site as they can give some personality to your company while providing you with an avenue to demonstrate your expertise and connect with viewers by answering some of their most pressing questions.

In addition to connecting with and educating your audience on specific topics, blogs are also perfect for driving more traffic to a website. This can be achieved by targeting long-tail keywords with quality content and linking to relevant pages on your website. By utilizing linking and keyword research for your blogging efforts, your articles can find their way in front of more users than just your target audience. When done correctly, your blogs can combine creative storytelling, sales, and marketing into one package.

Read all about the benefits of business blogs for marketing.

3. Contact Page

While the contact page is typically light on content and optimization, it is still a foundational piece of any website. If a visitor comes across your site through a blog article or by landing on your homepage while searching for relevant services or products, they will likely want to connect with your team to learn more. While a contact form and phone number should be included as a minimum, you can also integrate an appointment booking app or calendar (if applicable), to further increase the chance of getting visitors to convert.

Even if a visitor isn’t looking to buy anything, being able to connect with your team is an invaluable aspect of a website. If a visitor likes what they see on your site but cannot easily get in touch with you when they are ready to make a purchase, they will be far more likely to move on to another site and choose their services if they can easily reach out to them.

Why do you need a contact form on your website?

4. About Page

An about page typically includes a brief company history, mission or vision statement, executive leadership bios, and a few impactful client testimonials, though this information can change based on your preferences. Regardless of your preferences, it is always a good idea to include some client testimonials on your about page as this is an effective way of demonstrating the quality of your products/services to visitors.

Learn all about Google’s love for quality content.

In addition to promoting your products and services to potential customers, your about page is the ideal location to advertise your business to new hires. A quick section discussing the perks of working for the company and your core values can help you attract high-quality candidates as your company grows and new positions open.

For more information on website design, high-priority pages, or other areas related to SEO, get in touch with the experts at FirstPage Marketing. We can be reached through our online contact form or by phone at 1-800-676-4393 and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services or how we can help you grow your business.

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